how to write a letter for bestie

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Dear bestie,

     I honestly don’t know from where to start this off, I’m about to f*** and rape these papers, I just took my pen to write down the most realest emotional words, but believe me the pen is drawing exactly what my heart ordered it to. So without any further introductions let me try to express how do I see you…
To me you’re a magic box with great ideas! You can fix and solve problems quickly. You have amazing suggestions you’re rich of great tips in all fields except when it comes to sport haha! You’re articulate and creative. You’re inquisitive and well-read. You are someone who is always learning, always growing, always looking to better yourself.
Moving swiftly on another point, I see your body that has gone through a lot of difficult situations, through lot of pain, trust me every time I hug you; I try to do it as if I can bring the broken pieces of your body together. I see you happy with your sparkling beautiful eyes and you shiny hair. I see how always put your clothes together so you look good, even in a yoga pants and a shirt you still rocking to me.
I see someone who has a heart bigger than Africa, bigger than the United States, even bigger than my Penis ‘BIG ONE’ haha… I just see your beauty in and out.   
 I know that you feel weak at times. Powerless because of the chaos that you got involved to. Worried, sick, staying up at night wondering if you’re doing anything right. You’re so hard on yourself when something goes wrong. You feel overwhelmed, and sometimes, even like you’re drowning on a dark ocean. Drowning in ‘stuff’, in requests, in ‘I have to-do’, in reminders, in tasks, in, well—motherhood.         
  I see you as a multitask-er machine, someone who make sure to get all the important things done. You will always be the friend I can go to with anything—at any time. You will always make me laugh the hardest. Even if distance will try to fucked up us or No matter how long it’s been since we’ve spoken on the phone or how many days have passed since we’ve texted or how many months it’s been since I’ve gotten a real life in-person hug—- our friendship will always be strong, loyal, and most important—real.
Let me tell you something that I’m proud of myself at “as a friend definition”….Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh like a crazy. Someone who makes you believe that there still good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you’re down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand, hugs you so tight till the broken pieces of your body comes together and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, PLZ you must feel happy and complete because you don’t need to worry. You have a forever friend and linguistically ‘forever’ has no endTHAT’S ME (proudly).
Aristotle once said “What is a friend? It’s A single soul dwelling in two bodies”, he was right though! Because that’s facts, I’m going to add another quote by JESS C.Scott who said “Friends are the family you choose”, I can relate to that because we don’t choose our families but Friends are the families we choose. And by bringing this to the table, I want to mention your friend too, that girl really loves you, she’s incredible, make sure to take care of her no matter what—no matter what…She chose you as her world and family and you did too, I can tell…  
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